I found this on the 1-19-09 post of
the lazy randonneur site. He has some fancy settings so I can't send you more directly to his site or the original flikr site. His site is worth a look anyhow.
As long as I am harvesting his blog here is a pic of a pugsly/big dummy kind of love child.
From 6-1-08. Once again I want to do direct links to his posts but can't seem to figure it out. Anything you go to from his site still has his web address.
OK update. The last pic is from some guys who rode bikes from the northern tip of north America to the Southern tip of South America along the continental divide. Wow. Here is a
link to the gear they used. The gallery on the site has great pics of these bikes doing what they should be doing.
I figured out how to get the actual page reference.
Instead of just clicking a link on the site, right click and choose "open link in new window" - it will show the address when it loads.
Thanks John. Your smart. It was bugging me that I couldn't get to that flikr page before.
I think it's intended to be "helpful", so if you were to bookmark a page and it went away, you'd still get to his site.
Here in 2008 though, it's less helpful and more annoying.
...I forgot to say, both times, that his shop reminds me a lot of your old shop, doesn't it?
It does John. It is about time for some sentimental shop pics in a post.
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