I pretty much suck at making time to work out, hike, ride my bike or do any other fun physical activity. My current solution is to sneak in spontaneous urban hikes. If I have at least 20 minutes extra in my day I try to go exploring. I have found time while driving to a meeting, driving home and after lunch. One key to success is making sure I have sensible shoes and some outdoor gear in the car. With this mind set I am finding myself exploring a lot of nature and urban areas I had previously just driven past without notice.
This hike was a little over an hour long on the land between lake Ann and lake Lucy in Chanhassen a few days ago.
This pic does not show the giant size of this hollow tree.
I am often pleasantly surprised at how you can feel like you are in the middle of now where even in an urban (suburban) park.
Nice pics, some beautiful land out there.
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