Above is Lucas Cruikshank a 14? year old you tube comedian who does a parody of video bloggers. His Blogger persona is Fred. A six year-old with anger management issues and an alcoholic mom. His father is doing time.
As of September 2008, Fred was YouTube's all time 3rd most subscribed channel overall with over 500,000 subscribers, and also the 3rd most subscribed in the comedy category. Within 105 days of launching, Fred's YouTube had 10,000,000+ video views, 13,000,000+ channel views, and 500,000+ subscribers. He seems to put out videos often and his short clips are downloaded from 2 to 9 million times each. I want to make it clear that I am not impressed so much with the quality of his work but rather by his ability to draw interest.
Here is a link to a typical video of his. Do not and I repeat
do not demand those three minutes back after watching. My interest in this is more like my interest in Nascar events than a real interest. Kind of a "mmm I wonder why millions of people watch this?" kind of interest.