Before starting the process of renting the bike I read everything carefully. I put in my credit card for the $5 daily charge, went through about 4 screens of info with the last one saying "do you want to print a receipt." I of course did so I would remember my code to get the bike out of the rack. The faintly printed receipt had I think three different number sequences but none said code. I went to the rack and found that the number pad for the code has only 1 2 and 3 on it. All the number sequences on my receipt included other numbers. It was at this confused point a man not too different from me approached the opposite side end of the rack avoiding my efforts to get his attention for help. He quickly pulled a bike out of the rack and rode away. Great I thought. That guy was waiting for an idiot like me to pay for a bike so he could take off with it. After some hunting around I found a number for assistance and called it ready to report that my first bike was stolen. The man on the phone explained that on one of the screens I clicked through was my code. By putting in my card again I got it and it was something like 2113. I don't remember. The guy I feared may have stolen my bike must live near by, have a monthly pass and was able to punch in his number so fast he looked like he just pulled the bike out. Way faster than any personal lock.