Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I like it.

You know how I wanted a do everything steel road bike and the Salsa La Cruz Cyclocross bike was the best fit?  I love my La Cruz but it has off road tires, doesn't have all the touring brazons and it has stiff gearing that needs to be changed out.  Salsa saw a lot of people buying the La Cruz not as a cyclocross bike but rather like me as a do everything roadbike.  As a result they now make the Vaya to answer my La Cruz compromises.  Here are more words from Salsa about it.


Heath said...

Looks like a great bike. What's the frame material? While the rear spread looks do able, it doesn't look like it has a triple front.

SeanH said...

Seen the Ala Carte yet? Their first Ti bike


Jared said...

Sean thanks for the link. That would be a sweet ride however I love the OX platinum steel tubing's ride on my current Salsa's a ton and don't think I could gain much other than less weight and less cash in my pocket going with Salsa ti.

SeanH said...

Bike Radar article about the Vaya


queasyfish said...
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