Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jesus is hungry

You can eithor see this old pic as a family of three or as a man feeding his fist to Jesus. I took it from a very cool site named Forgetomori.


queasyfish said...

Ya know, why is it that whenever people see a "two eyes, and nose and a mouth" shape in something, it's always Jesus. Why isn't it "that guy from Soundgarden"?..

queasyfish said...

or some other guy. WTF?


queasyfish said...

So where's Waldo? - it's been pretty quiet on the Lao Tzu site. I'm guessing either on his quarterly cost-is-irrelevant vacation, or crawling around on the floor with a severe Gout attack. I know which I'm hoping it is.

queasyfish said...

vacation, of course...