Sorry I haven't posted in some time. I find it anoying when I have a blog I look at regularly and it suddenly isn't updated for a week or more. I found myself going to my blog hoping it had been updated most days myself. Click the pic for the full size and detail. A few hours before this pic last Thursday Morning Maya was home with Ella and Susan getting ready for school. Maya was doing her regular impersonation of a
Roomba or other
bottom feeder (or
here) picking up anything she can find off of the kitchen floor and eating it while at Susan's feet. Susan, while getting bottles ready shut the dishwasher door which was enough disruption to tip a round bottomed kid plate that happened to have my largest, very sharp chef knife on it. Even though the knife and plate were near the back of the counter the hard plastic of the kids plate, and later ceramic under the knife created a ramp allowing the knife to slip off the counter and onto Maya's head. The cut was about a half to an inch long, to the bone and became very bloody. Once the bleeding stopped it wasn't too bad and didn't seem to hurt her to much. She didn't seem pithed at all. I took her in to have it glued shut later in the morning just to make sure. The cemetery is rather old and in downtown Chan by her school. It is full of dead people.
good god.
Damn. I see a picture of a graveyard and then start reading about falling knives and head wounds...! Got worried there for a second!
The grave yard photo was really only included because it was the only photo on my phone I could use. It does seem to have taken on some added meaning after the fact.
I am a little sad that I got no comments on my pithed joke.
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