Susan had a Halloween party for the Maya age kids in the neighborhood this year the weekend before the big candy grab on the actual Halloween day. Ella had a bigger kid party of her own to go to that same day and was very sad to miss ours.
Ella said that she is a "goth witch." I don't know how she know the word goth.
Maya is a witch with very cute sheep boots. This fits my costume rule that the girls costumes should be a little bit scary and a little bit cute.
Maya with her friend Kirsten (turtle) Taylor (ninja) and Ava (cheerleader) at the party. I didn't actually take any photos on Halloween night for some reason.
Maya ran a tattoo booth at the party. Millie is helping Maya get one of her own.
In other news my Kale plant continues to amaze me. I have taken all the leaves off and eaten them maybe 5 times. Each time I am convince it is done producing for the season. Learning how to make kale chips has increased my kale intake a lot.

I got the Samsung Note 3 phone and Galaxy Gear watch a few weeks ago. Like them both a lot. Unexpected benefit of having them both is my battery life is amazing. Seeing the time of day, weather, my texts, email and phone calls on the watch prevents a ton of phone battery use. Also its way more convenient. Of all the great things a smart phone is and of all the devices it replaces the last thing a smart phone needed to be for me was scratch paper. A way to make a super fast little note. Guess what the Note 3 with its stylus does really well? Take a quick note. You can even leave the little notes spread around over the top of your other app icons in a messy way if you like just like a real desk. Used the watch to take the above pic. It is of my little alcohol super cat stove heating water for tea. Heath and I have started to stop mid fat bike ride to have tea. Very pleasant.
This is the tree I made all my maple syrup from last year. Big sweetie is her name.
Maya, Mazy and I had dinner out in the woods after scouting more maples for next spring.
House. Fog.
I am getting really excited to do some snow shoe/ski/fatbike winter camping this year. After doing my best to replicate all my winter gear in the backpack (minus the water) the pack with snow shoes attached as in the pic was still only 29 pounds. The gigantic -40 Western Mountaineering sleeping bag takes up half the pack. Western Mountaineering is making me a custom expander for the bag so I will fit more comfortably in it. It was to arrive this week. Unfortunately there was some mix up and a summer weight not the custom -40 expander was sent so I need to either wait or get smaller so I don't need the expander.