On Sunday 3-8-09 I took my new baby out for the kind of ride only she could take me on and it was great. I don't remember the town but it was in the south west metro along the Minnesota river and on Gifford lake.

The weather was perfect. Cold enough for everything to be frozen, no wind, and warm enough to wear regular clothes on the hour and a half ride....I mean ride stop ride experience.

Road bike tire pressure is about 100psi, mountain bike about 45psi, Pugsley under my big boy weight about 12psi front and 15 rear. On the choppy, icy, snowy trail the wheels rolled great. With this low psi in the tires on dry pavement however they felt like I was riding a drunk elephant down hill.

I was a little disappointed to see that I would not have needed to buy a Pugsley after finding this Pugsley tree. I wonder how many other QBP products could be found out here.

The fat tires roll great over rough and packed snow. This bike will take me anywhere snowmobiles or cross country skiers have been. This equals marshy areas, lakes, rivers, creeks, and other areas not available to other bikes in the summer. Plus there was almost no one else in the area I was riding. I used to think this was a nitch bike with limited useability but now am starting to believe reviews I read before buying that said the Pugsley not only works well on most regular trails but will open up many areas previously thought to be unridable.

Pug's and Tree.