I bought a new bike this month and am super happy with it. It is a Salsa 29r. http://www.salsacycles.com/mariachi_complete.html
It is pure simple fun. The 29 inch wheels feel just right for my size. They roll and climb great and the steering is different but not better or worse than my 26rs. Disc breaks, ridgid fork, 1by 9 gearing with a guard in front so my pants don't get sucked in. The frame accelerates great and has a lively steel feel. This will replace my Wei Wu Wei bike and will serve as my do everything bike from returning videos to off road touring to hauling Ella around. I bought it from Jay "Hollywood" Henderson's bike shop and have no regrets. He new just what I wanted and produced it at a fare price. Yippee Skippee I am happy with this bike. All I wanted and more than I expected. The Koolaid tastes great on a 29r.